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Enlightenment, Part 5

Earthen Vessels

2 Corinthians 4v7

13th March 2015

In his discussion of the ministry of enlightenment in 2 Corinthians chapters 3 and 4, Paul taught us that all Christians reflect the Lord's glory. Since this is true, it must also be true that, just be being who we are in Christ, we share in the ministry of helping others to find Jesus Christ for themselves. Of course, our effectiveness depends on our willingness to cooperate with the Holy Spirit in His work of sanctification - making us more like Jesus. Of course it depends on our willingness to get involved with our local church. And, of course, it depends on our willingness to spend time with people who don't know Jesus.

Also, Paul says:

2 Corinthians 4v7
But we have this treasure in jars of clay to show that this all-surpassing power is from God and not from us.

We so often fail to realise that our ability to reflect the glory of Christ, and so to affect other people, to be a part of God's mission to save them through the same faith which he gave us, is wonderfully powerful. Paul says it's "all-surpassing power" because, really it's God's power, not ours. We only reflect the glory. It's His glory really.

Paul uses this wonderfully vivid expression: "we have this treasure in jars of clay" to make the point. Older versions say "earthen vessels", which is a bit old-fashioned but seems better to me; I feel "earthen" sometimes. First he said we're like mirrors; we're not the light but we reflect it. Now he says we're like jars; we're not the treasure but we carry it.

A clay jar may not be very beautiful. It may not be very strong. It may be cracked or chipped, or stained. But it can hold treasure. And that treasure can be immeasurably valuable.

And maybe it's easier to see the treasure in a cracked vessel.

Dear Christian brother or sister, can you accept that you, with all your problems and all your weaknesses, carry God's treasure? can you believe God's word when it says that you reflect God's glory? Will you let the light shine?

And can we all please remember that a clay jar isn't very strong. If we mistreat our brothers and sisters - other clay pots - our co-workers in Christ - His church - then we can damage them, even break them.