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The Epistle of James - Godly Values

Part 31 - Do not slander one another

James 4v11a

18th January 2019

James 4v11a
Brothers, do not slander one another.

Isn't it terribly sad that James had to write that? But throughout the church for 2,000 years, some Christians have said negative and hurtful things about other Christians. It never helps. It only hinders and divides.

The NIV has not helped us here. The word "slanders" is not a very good translation of the Greek word, which is katalalia. "Kata" means "against" and "lalia" means "speak" So although the English word "slander" means "do not tell lies about one another and so damage one another's reputation", James goes further. He's saying "Do not even speak the truth about one another if it will damage somebody's reputation".

Every one of us is a sinner. Every one of us has secrets we hope no-one finds out. If I talk about your sins or you talk about mine, what good are we doing? The Gospel of Christ is about forgiveness, redemption, cleansing, love, peace and unity. And we can destroy all that by saying "This person committed that sin, "She said this", "five years ago, he did that".

When we're hurting, we can try to medicate our pain by finding someone to blame for it, or by deflecting our disappointment into criticism of somebody else. "If only you lot were nice to me, I'd be fine". When things go wrong in the church, one way we deal with it is to say, "It's his fault, he should have been different, he should have done this or shouldn't have done that". But what good does it do?

If someone offends you, you have a choice about how to respond. You could tell others about what's happened. Then they'll have less respect for the person who hurt you. Perhaps they'll start to speak negatively about him, too. You'll have caused others to sin. You'll have created division. And you'll have increased your distress by continuing to thinking about what happened.

Alternatively, you could go to God in prayer. He'll listen to you and give you His perspective. He'll help you to forgive. You'll receive His peace. The need to complain to others will go. You'll have honoured God by valuing unity over the very temporary pleasure of gossiping.

Whenever we or our loved ones are hurt, we all get to make that choice. And whenever things don't work out the way we hoped they would (and they hardly ever do) we have a choice. We can destroy someone's reputation, or we can pray. We can go to other people and say, "Isn't he a bad person?" or we can go to God and say "Lord, help me to forgive my brother in Christ because I'm a sinner too".

Please don't speak negatively about your brother or sister in Christ. Instead, pray for a better attitude, the sort of attitude that doesn't want to trash someone else's reputation. Dear brothers, do not speak against one another. When you point the finger, three fingers point back at you. You're a sinner too.

Jesus taught us the Lord's prayer, which includes the line "forgive us our sins as we forgive those who sin against us", and after He taught us the Lord's prayer He said, "if you do not forgive men their sins, your Father will not forgive your sins" (Matthew 6v15). We must take that warning seriously. If we harbour grudges, slander, gossip, character assassination, negatively and disunity in our hearts, we will not be forgiven.

We might think we're doing justice: "He sinned, so he needs to be punished", but we've all sinned, and none of us want to be punished! It's vitally important to remember that we are all sinners. Our responsibility towards one another is to build each another up, to encourage each another, and when necessary to forgive each another, and move on together with each other.

Is what I've been saying here true? Please, decide in your own heart. Decide never to speak negatively about your brother or sister.

Jesus said, "do not judge or you will be judged" (Matthew 7v1). None of us want to be judged. Jesus said, "Do to others as you would have them do to you" (Luke 6v31). Do you want the church, or one person in the church, or some group in the church, to go round talking about what a bad person you are? You deserve it, because you're a sinner. If you don't want people to do that, then don't do it to others.

Christ has forgiven your sin 100%. He set you completely free from condemnation, completely free from guilt, completely free from judgement, completely free. And He's done that for your brother or sister in Christ, even if what they do isn't what you would have done in the same circumstances. Our function is to be like Christ to one another, to continue to forgive, to continue to encourage. If your brother has sinned, put your arm around his shoulders and say, "Brother, you may have messed that one up, but you're still a Christian. We can do better. Let's work together, and move forward together."