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Spiritual Power, Part 3

Receiving Spiritual Power

5th September 2010

For the last two weeks, we've been thinking about biblical teaching on the gifts of the Holy Spirit and about the need for these gifts in the mission of the church. This week, we turn to the question of receiving spiritual gifts. Before I start, I want to mention a couple of things that are terribly obvious:

Dear Christian brother or sister, I don't know what God wants to do in you today. There are many things He might want to do. These include speaking to you about sin in your life, or about things He wants you to do for Him. He may want to heal your body or your memories, or your thinking, or your relationships. He may want to give you a spiritual gift, such as prophesy or tongues. God wants to bring each of us into freedom. Galatians 5:1 says "It is for freedom that Christ has set us free" and 2 Corinthians 3:17 says "Now the Lord is the Spirit, and where the Spirit of the Lord is, there is freedom." God wants us to be free from sin, free from sickness, free from fear, free to worship, free to use the spiritual and other gifts He gives us.

May I suggest that you to pray, right now, asking God to send His Holy Spirit to you. If you'd like to do this I suggest that you first sir or kneel in a comfortable position. Now settle in your mind that you want to invite the Holy Spirit to come, you want God to set you free, you want the power to live and to witness in a way that glorifies our Saviour and touches the lost. Now confess to God any sin in your life that might work against your being filled with His Spirit. Now open your hands and rest them face up on your legs. Take a moment of silence.

You might like to pray something like this:

Heavenly Father,
I trust You that You would never give me something that is bad for me.
Please send your Holy Spirit to me now.
Please do in my body, my soul and my spirit whatever you think is best.
Once again I give myself to you.

Now stay in position for a few moments, and let God do whatever He wants to do for you.