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The True Vine, Part 3

Part of the Vine

John 15v1, 5

11th October 2014

in John Chapter 15, Jesus said this:

John 15v1
"I am the true vine, and my Father is the gardener."

Later in the same discourse, he said:

John 15v5
I am the vine; you are the branches.

Last week, we considered the question, "Do I really believe that God tends only one True Vine - Jesus?" and concluded that, yes, Jesus is the only True Vine, that God's covenant people are the only branches, and that God's covenant people include the ancient Israelite believers, the New Testament Jewish church and the Gentile church.

Our second question is: "Do I really believe that I am in Christ - a branch of the True Vine?" If we are in Christ, then there are several ways that we can know we are:

We know we're in Christ because we can see that God has changed what we think, what we love, how we feel and how we live.