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All who are weary

Part 2

11th May 2013

Continuing from last week, we're looking at this promise of Jesus Christ:

Matthew 11v28-30
"Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you and learn from me, for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. For my yoke is easy and my burden is light."

This promise is to all you who are weary and burdened. So Whatever makes you weary, whatever burdens you carry, Jesus promises to give you rest if you will come to Him.

But Jesus doesn't say "Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will remove all your burdens". Any Christian will tell you that our lives change when we're born again as children of God, but any honest Christian will also tell you that Christians continue to have burdens. The burdens may change, but no-one on Earth is without burdens. Jesus Himself certainly wasn't free of burdens.

When we become Christians, our love for others increases, and we're burdened for them. Our hearts ache, more than they used to, when we see others suffering. Our hatred of sin increases, and we're burdened by the sin we see in ourselves and in others. Many Christians experience illness, bereavement, unemployment and pain. Many Christians also experience ostracism, persecution, imprisonment, torture and death.

So when Jesus promises "I will give you rest" He isn't saying we will have a burden-free existence. So what is He saying? What is the rest He promises?

Firstly, God's rest is sometimes the removal of a specific burden. God will wonderfully, graciously, and often miraculously, remove some of our burdens. Many Christians have known miraculous physical and emotional healing through prayer. Many have seen amazing provision in times of need. Many have experienced God restoring broken relationships and finances. There is nothing God cannot do.

But anybody who's been a follower of Jesus for any length of time will tell you that Jesus doesn't take away all of our problems. Many burdens remain. So, secondly God provides rest in the form of contentment.

Many people believe that we can't be content until all our problems are solved. They think rest, or peace, is the absence of burdens. But Jesus promises us peace and contentment even while we're carrying our burdens.

Because many believe they can't be content until their problems are removed, they wish their lives away. But God offers us contentment now!

Many think they'd be happy if they bought some new clothes, or a new car, or a bigger house, or more holidays abroad. But it never works. True happiness - true peace and contentment - can only come from a relationship with God through Jesus Christ. And Jesus promises it to all who will come to Him. Whoever you are, whatever burden you carry, Jesus will welcome you into God's family, and give you peace.

Thirdly whatever burden is making you weary, Jesus promises to provide a place to rest, a way to be still, and recharge your batteries. That place is prayer. Many people find it extremely hard to relax. Some find silence and stillness deeply threatening. A genuine, living relationship with God makes silence and stillness a great pleasure. That's where we find God. In the midst of our troubles, we can come to Him, give over our worries and stresses to Him, and know His peace. The rest that Jesus offers is the antidote to restlessness (obviously, really). Jesus is the oasis in our desert. He is the shelter in our storm.

Psalm 18v2a
The LORD is my rock, my fortress and my deliverer; my God is my rock, in whom I take refuge.

Psalm 55v22
Cast your cares on the LORD and he will sustain you; he will never let the righteous fall.